DexBars is a Crypto Wizards initiative to show WHY price moved the way it did for DEX tokens on Ethereum and Binance chains.
Scan up to 20,000 trader accounts for a given token to identify who made money, who dumped tokens and how much was sold at a loss on each and every candle movement.
Equally price does not move because of time. It moves because of VOLUME.
By analyzing 'dollar bars' instead of 'time bars' traders can gain an edge, especially when trading low cap DEX tokens.
The real benefit here is that we can see the aggregate net P&L for traders who bought after token launch and also out of the sellers, who owned the token outside of the tracking window (i.e. likely bought on presale and is now dumping).
Traditionally, you will be used to judging 'momentum' based on the size of price movement. With DexBars, you will notice an array of different color blue shades underneath the chart. Light colors, mean bars (i.e. volume) are filling up fast. Whereas darker colors mean it is taking a while.
You are not only getting a picture of how much price is moving, but also the speed of bars filling up in addition to knowledge about volume traded inherently within the bar. You can also take note of the time and duration just under the price at the top of the chart.
There are two volume charts. The first one shows what proportion of the completed bar for a given threshold (say 5.0 ETH) was buys or sells.
The second one shows how much the last traded spilled over to break the threshold triggering the next bar. This helps to identify when large buy or sell orders are coming in.
Again there are two volume charts. The first one shows the volume of sell orders coming from external addresses. An external address is a blockchain account who either purchased tokens prior to the listing (so presold tokens), or before the tracking started. Our tracking typically covers the last 20,000 accounts of a given token.
So if you are seeing a newly listed token, it is certain that an external bar is a presold token being sold (or dumped).
There second chart shows the internal profit made by trade accounts which have been tracked since the last 20,000 account activity. These bars can also be pink in color, representing loss instead of profit.
We cover any token pair that uses the UniswapV2 or UniswapV3 smart contract format on Binance (BEP20) and Ethereum chains launched after March 2024.
We would really like to get a full node running on Solana. If you are able to either donate a node or cover the maintenance of running one, we would be most grateful.
There is a feedback form to help us understand what specifically is useful to you as a trader, as different traders have different approaches.
The costs to scale this are very high, but with enough members at Crypto Wizards, we should be able to pull it off. If you want to contribute to the cause of bringing retail traders the edge, consider becoming a Crypto Wizards member.